When it comes to wee, boys have a level of physical freedom that us girls have simply had to come to terms with. It's not that we want to be boys; it's just a natural yearning to be unencumbered, devil-may-care; to roam long and far in any earthly direction without having that little bean of an idea tucked away in the back of your mind. You know the one. It's thinking, "I'm going to have to go to the bathroom at some point...and that means my pants at my ankles and my bare bot a few centimeters from a melee of animals, rotting plants and dung.
A couple weeks ago I became reacquainted with a thing called the WhizBiz. I'd heard of this some years ago, pre-Camino, when it was being marketed as a solution to really long toilet queues at music festivals. It's a ladies' wee aid, a device that allows a woman to wee whilst standing. It looks kind of like a specially adapted funnel:
It's hydrophobic, meaning liquid does not like being on it. It's antibacterial, meaning it is not an inviting place for bacteria to stay and breed. It's good to give it a rinse after use, but it's not necessary after every use. Just give it a flick and pop it in a ziploc bag.
This morning, I took my first real wee standing up. It didn't run down my legs. The lily (the wide mouth) didn't overflow. It felt perfectly comfortable. And the thought of free peeing was deeply, inexplicably exhilirating.