Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When it rains... pours.

Ohmygod. What a week.

As a bullet point summary, this weekend we:
  • Moved house. Twice. Involving more flights of stairs than is sensible. In the rain.
  • Quit our jobs.
  • Shaved my head.
  • Had my nephew & my birthday.
After we knocked off the first two items on that list, I participated in the World's Greatest Shave on the weekend. I'd promised that if we raised $400, I'd shave my head. We easily reached that amount (it's a little over $700 now), so at a combined birthday BBQ for my nephew & I, everyone took turns at cutting my hair.

I discovered two things during the process:
  • my neice Daisy already has the skills to become a world class hairdresser. She was able to use the world's bluntest clippers without dragging too much hair from the roots.
  • my neice Chloe already has the skills to become a world class movie director. The entire process was performed under her expert guidance.
As a bonus, I no longer need to carry as much shampoo on the Camino. ;-)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Don't come a-knocking...

...when this building's rocking.

Hannah & I, along with half of Melbourne, just felt an earthquake hit Melbourne. It only lasted 5~10 seconds and was enough to rock the entire building (and we're on the 2nd floor), but nowhere near enough to knock anything over.

Initial estimates put it at about a magnitude 4.7, originating 90kms south east of Melbourne.

It's no big deal. I suppose after a few weeks of the packing boxes ready to head away, we get a little excited about these things. 8-D

As a quick update:
  • We're both resigning next Friday, as soon as our pay hits our bank accounts. I've been there for 11.5 years so it's A Big Move, but I'm really looking forwards to moving on to some new adventures, whatever they may be.
  • We're moving house next Friday. Yep, the same day that we're resigning. It wasn't planned that way -- it's just coincidental that's when the lease expires.
  • I'm planning on shaving my head next Friday/Saturday for the World's Greatest Shave (fundraising for the Leukaemia Foundation). We'll be moving house when the official public head shavings occur, so we'll have our own private shaving and upload the video to YouTube. :-)
  • Next Friday is my nephew's birthday.
  • Why the hell do all these things need to happen on the same day? And why does that day need to be Friday the 13th? ZOMFG! SRSLY!
We've stopped walking as much. We're still walking 5kms around Albert Park Lake most nights, but we're not doing the 15km hikes with backpacks in state parks anymore. It's partly because we need to focus on putting everything into storage for a year or two (we can only take what we can fit in a suitcase!) and finalising paperwork; and partly because bushfires have limited the places we can hike with the backpacks. We've clocked up over 650kms of walking in the last few months, so I think we're in a good position to relax a little while we concentrate on getting the last cores done before we go.

OK. Sleep time now. BAI!