Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bushfire Season (cont)

I don't think there's anyone in Australia that doesn't know what's happened over the last few days. But for the non-Aussies, we've just had the worst bushfires in Australian history. There's no need for me to describe it any further: Google has thousands of articles here, here's the Wikipedia page, and here's a collection of photos.

We're not directly affected by the bushfires, but here's a few ways that make me realise that it's a small world:
  • Two weekends ago we were hiking in Bunyip State Park (see here). In the next weekend or two we were planning on hiking around Marysville. Obviously we won't be heading out that way again anytime soon.
  • My sister's fiancee is working with emergency services out there, and he said the media are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. The reality in these towns is horrific.
  • We live 300 meters from the Alfred Hospital where they're bringing most of the burns patients, and we've heard a few of the helicopters bringing new patients in over the last few days.
  • My Dad and his mates often ride their motorbikes through some of the areas that have now been burnt out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that.
I had been checking your blog as I wondered how the tragic fires had affected you both, as Victorians.
I was also wondering how I could evacuate you both xxx