Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rocket Man

Well, it's official. We now look like rocketmen.

During the last trip we discovered that we couldn't attach the walking poles to the backpacks without needing to assist each other -- the attachment points were right in the middle of the back. The guys at Backpacking Light (the place we've bought 90% of our gear) told us about quivers that could be attached to either side of our packs. With the poles stashed away, we both now look like Rocketman (or Rocketpeople to be PC).

We headed out to Bunyip State Park on Saturday, carrying the full packs (~10kg each). Here's the approximate route we walked. Once again we had a few map issues. We took the map from Parks Victoria, but found that it was no longer accurate (some trails closed long ago for revegetation, some tracks renamed, etc). The Parks Victoria map bears little resemblance to the GoogleMaps equivalent. Meh, it's all part of the adventure. :-)

A few highlights: meeting Enid Echidna; climbing over a massive fallen tree; walking for hours without seeing anyone (seems to be a common theme on the tracks we're taking); guessing how out of date & inaccurate the map was; waking at 4am to rub Tigerbalm into our knees.

Yesterday we headed out for a few hours of relaxed riding with Hong & Vy. It was good to get back on the bikes again, especially since we spent more time eating icecream than we did peddling.

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